Monday, November 26, 2007

Interview with Letícia

By Karen Cristina Alves Xavier and Antonio Jorge.
Letícia Kássia Otaviano, 18, is a student from CILC who was chosen to travel to the United States by the program Youth Ambassador. This is a program held by the American Embassy in Brazil. It selects people who are under 18 years old, study in a public school and make some volunteer work.

Students have to pass in 3 stages in this program. In the first stage, they have to prove they have never traveled abroad before and do not have financial conditions to travel to a foreign country. After that, the students selected take a written test. In the last stage, they make an oral test. It is important that these students have leadership spirit and good communication.

How was the experience of passing two weeks in a foreign country?

It was really good. It was a new experience. I could learn a lot about the culture of the United States because I lived there like an American. I went to the church, I went to the school with them. So I could learn about the society, their values, the way they behave in everyday life. We (students selected) went there as an ambassador. So we also could show them about our culture, society, everything from Brazil. I believe I learned a lot. I learned more than I would learn in one year here in Brazil. So, It was an extremely important… this experience for me.

How important was the English language for you to participate in this program? Have you always liked English?

The English language played an important role in the selection of this program because we need English to communicate there (U.S.A). So, it was very important to have a good level of English to be accepted in this program. In the beginning I did not like English very much. I can say that I hated English. It was something very boring for me. But then I made an effort to study the language and now I love it a lot. And I need to say that I am very thankful for CILC because it is the place where I study English. It has been five years that I study English here, so CILC was very important for me to apply for this program.

Did you find hard to adapt yourself to the American culture?

Sure, in the beginning it was a little hard because I needed to know how theylived there, the habits… And the hardest part for me was the food. I did notlike to eat hamburgers every day, French fries, and coca cola. I missed rice andbeans. This part was really difficult for me to adapt. But the weather and theplace were ok. I loved the cold weather, the snow and the American people too.People say that they are very cold, but it is just some of them. It is noteverybody who is cold there. The other parts were easy to adapt myself evenbecause I love the English and American culture.

Now that you have traveled abroad as an ambassador, do you intend to follow the diplomatic career?

I will not deny that I loved this experience and I thought many times about following this field of traveling to countries and this diplomatic field. But what I really want is to study biology and to work with biotechnology, cloning, DNA… that is very different from what people think about me. But it is what I want to do – researches around the world.

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