Tuesday, December 11, 2007

All Photos

Hello Brasil! Here you will see all the photos that we taked, of students who participated of this blog, and some teachers too!

I hope you enjoy! (( Just click ))

Monday, November 26, 2007


By Rosana, Erik and Grazielle

Canada is a multicultural country like Brazil. Surely it is an immigrant land. Immigrants are encouraged to cultivate their culture. And it permits the country’s growth. Because of it, Canada is called “the place where everybody belongs to”. Canada is totally free of racial violence or any other prejudice. It is recognized as one of the safest countries in the world to live. Canada has the healthiest population in the world.

Because of the mixture of the native Canadian people with the cooking of immigrant culture, there is no national typical food in Canada. Just in Quebéc, the French province, poutine (French fries with melt cheese and wood sauce) is considered as typical food. Dinner is the main meal of Canadians and, because of that, restaurants charge expensive prices.

The most popular sports are football, baseball, ice skating, skating, skiing, ice hockey.

Other curiosities

- To spit out in the street or in public is considered an insult;
- arriving late at a meeting is considered an insult;
- lovely kissing in public is considered one of the impoliteness;
- only specialized shops can sell alcoholic drinks;
- 97% of Canadians are able to read and write;
- breastfeeding children in public is not well seen, if breasts get exposed;
- The England’s Queen (Elisabeth II) is the state head of Canada, when she is there she represents the country.

Interview with Letícia

By Karen Cristina Alves Xavier and Antonio Jorge.
Letícia Kássia Otaviano, 18, is a student from CILC who was chosen to travel to the United States by the program Youth Ambassador. This is a program held by the American Embassy in Brazil. It selects people who are under 18 years old, study in a public school and make some volunteer work.

Students have to pass in 3 stages in this program. In the first stage, they have to prove they have never traveled abroad before and do not have financial conditions to travel to a foreign country. After that, the students selected take a written test. In the last stage, they make an oral test. It is important that these students have leadership spirit and good communication.

How was the experience of passing two weeks in a foreign country?

It was really good. It was a new experience. I could learn a lot about the culture of the United States because I lived there like an American. I went to the church, I went to the school with them. So I could learn about the society, their values, the way they behave in everyday life. We (students selected) went there as an ambassador. So we also could show them about our culture, society, everything from Brazil. I believe I learned a lot. I learned more than I would learn in one year here in Brazil. So, It was an extremely important… this experience for me.

How important was the English language for you to participate in this program? Have you always liked English?

The English language played an important role in the selection of this program because we need English to communicate there (U.S.A). So, it was very important to have a good level of English to be accepted in this program. In the beginning I did not like English very much. I can say that I hated English. It was something very boring for me. But then I made an effort to study the language and now I love it a lot. And I need to say that I am very thankful for CILC because it is the place where I study English. It has been five years that I study English here, so CILC was very important for me to apply for this program.

Did you find hard to adapt yourself to the American culture?

Sure, in the beginning it was a little hard because I needed to know how theylived there, the habits… And the hardest part for me was the food. I did notlike to eat hamburgers every day, French fries, and coca cola. I missed rice andbeans. This part was really difficult for me to adapt. But the weather and theplace were ok. I loved the cold weather, the snow and the American people too.People say that they are very cold, but it is just some of them. It is noteverybody who is cold there. The other parts were easy to adapt myself evenbecause I love the English and American culture.

Now that you have traveled abroad as an ambassador, do you intend to follow the diplomatic career?

I will not deny that I loved this experience and I thought many times about following this field of traveling to countries and this diplomatic field. But what I really want is to study biology and to work with biotechnology, cloning, DNA… that is very different from what people think about me. But it is what I want to do – researches around the world.

Global Warming

By Simone de Paula Lopes

Most people do not are not aware of the big problem we have nowadays. Global warming is modifying the way the weather shows up for us.
With the passing of the years the effects have intensified more and more. The planet is asking for help for through years and just few people have listened to it. Now we all have to try to solve the problem.
We need to be aware that this problem belongs to every single person in the planet.
Simple things can help to decrease the global warming.
· When you will go out, agree with your friends to go in the same car. It´s better and cheaper.
· Separate the garbage.
· Recycle it.
· Choose biodegraded product.
· Use filter in the Exhaust and chimney
· Don’t litter Public roads.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The English language in the world

By Grazielle Silva dos Santos

The English language is spoken in almost every country in the world and it is one of the most spoken languages nowadays. There are about four hundred million people talking English as a native language. It is not all. It is estimated that English is used in 75 percent of international writing communication, 80 percent of computer information and 90 percent of internet’s content.
This success of the English language in the world started, first of all, because of England raise and afterwards with The United States raise to world power. Then Globalization has made people communicate worldwide in English.
English is spoken as an official language in The United States, Canada, England, New Zealand, Australia, Ireland, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Tasmania, and others.
As a second language, English is spoken in India, South Africa, Cameroon, Singapore, The Philippines, Malaysia, Gambia, Ghana, Namibia, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Puerto Rico, Sri Lank, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Zimbabwe, and others.
So, English has been elected an international language and nobody doubts that English is one of the most important languages for communication at work and is the language of technology.
According to David Crystal, an important linguist, “As English becomes the chief means of communication between nations, it is crucial to ensure that it is taught accurately and efficiently.”

o If you want to know more about the history and aspects of English language visit the following websites:



Saturday, November 10, 2007

The tell tale heart - video

Look this video made by students of cilc. It is very cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

When a man’s history walks together with a school

By Michael B. Interaminense
This can happen and you can check this watching an interview with teacher Jerivaldo. He is teaching at CILC since the beginning. He told a little bit of CILC’s history for us.

He compared the “old CILC” (about some problems in the begun! when the school started) until nowadays. What have changed? Some projects that we don’t have anymore, it’s something that have changed, and what he thinks the students should do to make CILC a better place.

(First part of the interview)

Every students whose studied with Jerivaldo liked him a lot, and the secret of a good relationship in class is when students really want to learn, and they work together with the teachers, Jerivaldo Believes that.

(Second part of the interview)

The mean idea of this interview it’s what students of CILC can do to not give up, and believe that the school can grow up more, and everything will be better if everyone goes on! Jerivaldo was chose to say this for the others, because he is here between us at CILC a more time, and he knows what we should do! Enjoy it!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Slang and idiomatic expressions


Consists of very informal expressions or words which normally feature in speech rather than writing and are used by people who know each other well or who have the same jobs, backgrounds or interests. They often relate to sex, drink, drugs, relationships, social groups, etc. They are often fairly strong in emotive terms and may sometimes be found offensive to people outside the group.

Here are some more expressions:

It may be big bucks to you, but it's chickenfeed to me.
So, who came to this knees-up, then?
My ex was absolutely bonkers.
We'll have to get some booze in for tonight.

Big bucks denotes a large amount of money (bucks are dollars), chickenfeed is small change. Knees-up = party, my ex = former boyfriend or girlfriend. Absolutely bonkers is very crazy or unpredictable. Booze is alcohol, just as a boozer is a pub or someone who drinks a lot of alcohol.
If you are exposed to slang expressions in your learning of English, it is important for you to understand their meaning and the emotive force behind them. It may be less appropriate for you to use them if you are not part of that group. In fact, it may sound strange and inappropriate if you do so. Also slang changes very quickly.

Idiomatic expressions

Idiomatic expressions are combinations or collocations of words which cannot be translated word for word. Thus:

I could eat a horse.
It is an idiomatic way of saying:
I'm very hungry.

Idiomatic expressions are extremely common and are found in all kinds of English, both formal and particularly informal. But do not make a special effort to learn them. There are too many. You will learn the most common naturally through the learning material that you are using. And it is much better to be accurate when using non-idiomatic English than inappropriate when using an idiom. For example, it is better to say:

It's raining very hard out there.
It's raining cats and dogs out there.

which has gone out of fashion. As a learner, it may be difficult for you to know what idioms are in fashion and which are not.


More expressions

Você sabe qual a palavra que os americanos usam para “caipira”? Ou seja, alguém com sotaque da zona rural.
Depende da região. Pode ser backwoodsman; hillbilly; redneck; cracker. São algumas opções, mas tome cuidado na hora de usá-las. E tome ainda mais cuidado, principalmente, onde as usa. Pode arranjar um problemão.

Você sabe como dizer na língua inglesa que algo é “brega”?
Uma boa opção seria “tasteless” mas também existem outras como “in bad taste”. No entanto, quando se aplica exclusivamente a roupas, pode ser também “overdressed” e “badly dressed”. Tudo vai depender do motivo da breguice. Aí, pode-se dizer “out of date”, “old fashioned”, “corny” (mais para “piegas”). Ou também “Tacky” .

Você conhece o termo “puxa-saco” em inglês?
Bem, não é apenas no Brasil que encontramos bajuladores, então nós temos: Apple polisher; ass kisser (vulgar); ass-hole crawler (muito vulgar); ball licker (muito vulgar); boot licker; brown noser (vulgar); cajoler (talvez raramente usado hoje em dia); crawler; lickspittle (antiquado); sucker up; toady; wheedler (antiquado)… infelizmente, a maioria dos termos para puxa saco são termos vulgares!

Há em inglês expressões semelhantes a "maria-vai-com-as-outras" e "dedo-duro"?
Existem expressões equivalentes, sim. Para "maria-vai-com-as outras", usamos o verbo to follow like sheep. "Dedo-duro" é mais complicado e depende do contexto. Em círculos criminosos, seria stool pigeon, stoolie ou informer. Num contexto infantil, teríamos tell taler e tell-tale-tit. Tattler, é um termo mais usado apenas na Inglaterra. No entanto, talvez o mais comum, tanto como substantivo quanto como verbo, é snitch: A snitch is always detested by his peers (Um dedo-duro é sempre odiado pelos seus pares); She would never win a popularity contest after snitching on her classmates (Ela nunca ganharia um concurso de popularidade após dedar suas colegas de classe). Há ainda o mais prosaico to tell on: If you don't tell on me, I'll buy you an ice cream (Se você não me dedar, eu te pago um sorvete).


Friday, September 28, 2007

Global warming

U.N. Leader on Global Warming: We Need U.S. Leadership

Ban-Ki Moon Doesn't Mince Words on American's Responsibility in Climate Crisis Smoke from a coal-fired power plant blackens snow around the Russian village of Barentsburg, about 1,000 km (621 miles) from the North Pole on the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard, April 26, 2007. ( Francois Lenoir / Reuters).
The leader of the United Nations did not pull any punches. "If we take action now, it may not be too late," United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon said in an interview today in the garden of U.N. headquarters in New York. His "may" gave this correspondent pause. His words were clearly carefully considered.
The subject was global warming. How serious does he think it is?
"The science has made it quite clear. The impact has been felt seriously around the world. Now only lacking largely is a political will," said Ban. "As a human being, a whole international community is standing at the very critically important juncture. Whether or not we address this issue properly and collectively, the whole future of our generation and planet Earth will depend."
Ban has declared that global warming will be a priority of his tenure at the United Nations. He also clearly considers it a matter of the greatest gravity. When this reporter pointed out that some scientists are writing books and saying in public that they believe this crisis is so serious that if humanity goes on with business as usual -- not significantly cutting overall greenhouse gas emissions -- it could seriously lead to the collapse of civilization, even in the lifetime of today's children, he replied: "I think that is a correct assessment. People say that action should have been taken yesterday. If we take action today, it may not be too late."
Will Hot Words at U.N. Climate Summit Be Enough to Cool the Planet?
Ban had worked hard to convene Monday's special high-level meeting at U.N. headquarters. The meeting was the largest meeting of heads of state and government ever held to debate the problem of global warming -- a gathering that set the tone for the annual opening of the United Nations General Assembly Tuesday.
Notably absent at the all-day high level meeting was President Bush, who has in the past cast doubt on the virtually unanimous scientific consensus that dangerous global warming is now under way and is attributable in large part to human activities.
Fonte: abcnews.go.com

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


This is a place to our newspaper. Here you will see photos, articles, music, and more...

Enjoy it!